In August, I was wandering in old Quebec city taking photos and panos. This came out as my favorite (yet... still have not processed all of them).
This is a full Equirectangular 360 * 180 projection. It was fully shot at 10mm. It required 16 images * 3 exposures each. I also need a nadir (i.e. the picture of where the tripod was) but did a bad job this time (and every shot this evening... changed technique afterward). So the only solution was to use the brick and pavement tool in photoshop to rebuild the little square that was missing in the bottom.
The most complicated of shooting this one was that it was a nice day outside in the end of the tourists season. So I had to way for groups to pass by. Even so, I do have a few ghosts in the picture in it's original resolution. At this size, quite difficult to see.
From this one (once the pavement was finished), I had fun with stereographic projections.
A classic planetoid. When shooting the pano, this was my objective and I like it.
I was surprised of this one; I like the symmetrical kaleidoscope style image. But the last one is kind of the best.
Nothing like a crooked Parliament to represent reality. I'll need to reshoot this pano to get a higher resolution because this version is stretched beyond it's original resolution.
Interactive View.